Wellness & Healing

What is Wellness? And How is it Attained?

We hear the word wellness more and more these days. Doctors and community hospitals use it in their newsletters, businesses are using it in their mission statements, advertisements, and with their products. Our new national healthcare policy makes frequent use of it.

But what does wellness really mean, what does it mean to you?

At Fit65, we want to know what wellness means to you. With physical exercise in mind, wellness can mean certain predictable, measurable attributes. But we know that’s not the whole story. For example, The Journal on Active Aging points out that the cycle of life includes many aspects such as emotional, vocational, physical, spiritual, intellectual and social. So we want to hear from you to better define a larger picture of wellness as we grow older.

Here are a couple of responses to get things started. We’ll publish your thoughts here on our website so we may inform others and help them as they seek to incorporate wellness in their lives.

“sustaining a level of emotional and physical peace with myself and my surroundings. I work to slow things down with deep, meditative breaths throughout the day, reminding myself of how fortunate I am in so many regards, and, of course, with regular physical exercise.”
– Jim, age 54

“Wellness is the convergence of physical health, peace of mind, and calmness of spirit. These three states coincide most when I am even moderately active (a short daily walk, regular yoga practice); when I feel safe and when I am confident that those I love are safe and healthy; and when I remind myself to “let go” – to avoid trying to control every outcome, and to accept people and situations as they are rather than how I think they should be. Optimism is my greatest ally in the quest for wellness.”
– Lisa, age 52

Please email us your definition of wellness. Wellness is . . . and I work toward it by . . .

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